The effect of microwave radiation on grinding kinetics by selection function and breakage function - A case study of low-grade siliceous manganese ores

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mining Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin

2 Department of Mining Engineering, Islamic Azad University- South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


In this study, the effect of microwave radiation on grindability and grinding kinetics were investigated. Microwave treatment was performed using an oven with 1100 W power and 2.45 GHz frequency. In order to study the breakage mechanism the grindability from the standard Bond ball mill work index (BBMWI) test was used with the selection function and breakage function as grinding parameters for treated and untreated samples. Based on the results of grindability, the work index (Wi) of a standard Bond ball mill after 4 min of microwave radiation decreased from 12.46 kWh/t to 6.45 kWh/t. selection function results showed that the specific rate of breakage (Si) value for the size fraction -3350+2360 µm increased to 8.42% after microwave treatment. Cumulative breakage function results showed that microwave-treated products were coarser in comparison with untreated products. This phenomenon is more significant in coarse fractions, where the effect of microwave treatment is more obvious.

Graphical Abstract

The effect of microwave radiation on grinding kinetics by selection function and breakage function - A case study of low-grade siliceous manganese ores


  • Improvement of grindability ore by microwave treatment. 
  • Intergranular cracks formed between hematite with gangues minerals after microwave treatment.
  • Increasing the special rate of breakage of manganese ore up to 8.42% using microwave treatment.
  • The microwave treated products are coarser than the microwave untreated products.


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