Peer Review Process

JPST, uses single-blind peer review to review manuscripts. All of the received articles in Journal of Particle Science and Technology (JPST) undergo the following peer review process:

  1. The journal editor-in-chief forwards the article to experts in the field (minimum 3 reviewers).
  2. The reviewers consider the article and check it for accuracy, novelty and assess the validity of the research methodology and send their comments to the journal editor.
  3. The journal editor-in-chief makes the decisions regarding which articles to reject, revise or accept for publication.

The items that would be checked by the reviewers of JPST are Novelty, Originality, Scientific reliability, Valuable contribution to the science, Adding new aspects to the existing field of study, Ethical aspects, Structure of the article and its relevance to authors’ guidelines, References, Grammar,  and Scientific misconduct. 

The detailed peer review process of the Journal of Particle Science and Technology (JPST) is based on the following Flow Diagram.


Peer Review Process