Effect of physical properties on the oscillation of an acoustically levitated droplet

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Arak University, 38156-8-8349, Arak, Iran

2 Senior member of IEEE, School of Engineering, Deakin University, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, Australia


Acoustic levitation is the only method capable of suspending samples with different material properties and geometries, even in the liquid phase. Despite its widespread applications, droplet levitation still has a problem controlling the droplet’s position due to initial oscillations before reaching stability. This research investigates the effects of droplet physical properties, such as viscosity, radius, and density, on droplet oscillation amplitude. For this purpose, numerical simulations that apply the effect of the mentioned properties with acceptable accuracy and precision results were conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics 6.1 commercial software. The unique feature of using a simulation is the ability to study the effect of each parameter independently from the rest of the properties, which is not directly possible in experimental tests. The results emphasize the direct influence of viscosity on droplet oscillation amplitude. They also demonstrated that elevated viscosity leads to a decrease in droplet oscillation amplitude. In addition, increasing the density because of the added weight decreases the droplet amplitude. The droplet radius effect is more complicated because it is associated with two opposite effects. Increased droplet radius has the same effect as viscosity because of weight addition. On the other hand, a larger droplet's radius enlarges the cross-section and leads to a weak increase in droplet amplitude.

Graphical Abstract

Effect of physical properties on the oscillation of an acoustically levitated droplet


  • Simulate the ultrasonic levitation process of droplets using the COMSOL Multiphysics software.
  • Investigate how the physical properties of droplets, namely viscosity, density, and droplet radius, affect their fluctuation amplitudes.
  • Increased viscosity results in greater resistance to deformation for the droplet, thereby maintaining its stability during levitation and reducing oscillation amplitude.
  • A higher droplet density leads to increased droplet weight, amplifying the droplet's oscillation amplitude.
  • Increasing the radius of the droplet improves the force applied to the droplet with the help of a larger cross-sectional area.


Main Subjects

Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by IROST.

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