Barite processing for industrial use – A bibliographic survey

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Presented here is a bibliographic survey, which covers the work done in the period ranging from 1912 to 2023 on the various techniques employed in the processing of barite, along with the results obtained. This paper, the outcome of thorough research on various literature available from earlier studies, serves as a compendium of the major areas summarised in one paper. However, the objective of this paper was not to critique or review the outcomes of the various researchers. This article, which is essentially a one-stop guide handbook, will introduce the processing techniques used in barite processing, report the various research carried out by previous researchers using globally accepted processing techniques, and state the critical findings during the period under review. 

Graphical Abstract

Barite processing for industrial use – A bibliographic survey


  • Barite processing is vital for several chemical end products and petroleum applications.
  • Barite processing can be achieved using physical and chemical techniques.
  • Physical processing techniques include hand sorting, conventional gravity concentration, magnetic separation, desliming and electrostatic separation.
  • Physicochemical separation techniques include froth flotation,  chemical separation operation, acidic leaching, and combination of processing techniques.


Main Subjects

Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by IROST.

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